Digital Transformation & Operational Excellence in Financial Services brings together transformation and operations decision makers from leading financial institutions looking to transform, streamline and digitalise front to back business processes and cross asset operations.
Join your peers to:
- Understand the biggest drivers behind digital transformation in financial services, the rise of tech-savvy competitors and shifting consumer behaviours.
- Assess what changes you need to make in the way your organisation operates to compete in a digital economy
- Learn how to embrace digital-ready innovation models and adopt your business processes
- Find out the steps investment management firms, banks and insurers are already taking to turn themselves into digital-first, data-driven, and customer-centric organisation
- Benchmark best practices in creating a culture of innovation and continuous improvement across the sector to ensure your digital transformation and operational excellence initiatives are embedded top to bottom and bottom up within organisation
- Prepare for infrastructural change using increasingly innovative technology, optimising people and processes to provide the best service to your clients at the lowest cost
- Shortlist partners you can join forces with to achieve your digital transformation goals
We will be talking about:
Leading Through Change : How to lead successfully in the midst of a global crisis
- The hidden reason behind why we do what we do: Why are teams and individuals so resistant?
- The power of vision and creating the space: What can you do to reduce the resistance?
- Helping the team embrace the “why”: How can you get it done?