Dear Readers, Dear Leaders,
Today, men and women around the world are opening their hearts by celebrating those closest to them with extravagant acts of love.
While some might find it cheesy and quite commercial, we feel it’s quite amazing that for at least one day, the world will pause and encourage individuals to open what is so often kept protectively or even hidden.
Love is not just about romance.
Love represents care, mindfulness and kindness. It is a complex set of emotions, behaviours, and beliefs associated with feelings of affection, protectiveness, warmth, and respect for another person.
For centuries, love has been associated with the heart.
Today, we know that the heart and the brain are strongly connected. One feeds the other.
Yet, most people claim that the heart is part of our personal sphere, private life and has no place in our work environment or in leadership.
One often hears “Isn’t the workplace and leadership only about brains?”
Well, we will have to strongly disagree with that.
Why would one exclude the heart if we know that the heart and brain work together ?
Our heart is at the centre of our body.
It strongly defines us. Through its beat, we know we are alive and that we are feeling things…
The pace of its beat send signals to our brain : It will beat fast if we are anxious or scared, it will beat coherently if we are calm or relaxed…
Our heart doesn’t lie to us and tells us how we are living things.
By keeping it open, we let others see through us and we demonstrate our compassion and empathy.
Through our heart, we transmit the passion that we have and we connect at a human level.
Don’t we all want to work for inspirational leaders ?
Leaders that make us feel that through them the impossible becomes possible; that thanks to their guidance we will grow and develop.
Leaders that respect our work and encourage us to go beyond.
By placing the heart at the centre of our leadership, we are being authentic & humble. We are being of service to our teams.
By placing the heart at the centre of our leadership : « I + YOU = WE »