Today we are all together facing the Unknown.

This fight against this coronavirus has united the world more than ever as we are all facing our mortality and a potential economical crash at the same time.
Yet the way we react to it will depend on the resilience we have built through time.
While living in severe uncertainty might be a familiar feeling to some individuals that had, for instance, to fight severe illnesses, wars, poverty, genocides, revolutions, fires, shootings, terrorism or massive economical breakdowns; to others, it is a completely new feeling.
As a leader of an organisation or of a team, now more than ever your leadership matters.
Leadership is a public act; your state of mind is contagious.
Act with empathy, demonstrate compassion, check in with your colleagues. Establish clearly to them that their wellbeing is your priority.
Do not dismiss feelings by saying that this is just another virus, or another crisis, or by saying “ think positive, forget about it, all will be fine”, or that now ironically they get to spend more time at home.
Not only, are they facing their and their loved ones mortality, they are as well worried of the economic consequences of this crisis.
The world is changing at a drastic pace ….
- Be there for them, listen to what they have to say on how they feel, acknowledge it. Start your meetings by asking participants to say in one word or one sentence, how they are currently feeling.
Acknowledgement is fundamental. Meet your team members where they are, not where you are. Listen, listen and listen even more.
Leadership is not about you, leadership is about THEM.
- Share information, communicate regularly on what are the plans of the company, and on the business figures.
They are aware that the business will suffer. This is putting them in a vulnerable position. The crisis is hitting us hard. People wonder how this will affect their jobs.
Put them in the know, by doing so your team will be even more engaged.
- In addition, in times of change, people want to know how to perform.
Communicate even more on what is expected from them, and on how you can support them.
- Finally, focus on the positive impact of people’s work and efforts and recognize their successes.
We are all in this together.
Again, leadership is not about you, Rise and Lead for THEM.