Vulnerability in Western cultures is often perceived as a weakness, an open door to a potential attack by others who can then easily target us and hurt us. It is scary. It is seen as giving an access to being judged, criticized, and consequently being viewed as less of a person.

Yet this is a total misconception. Vulnerability is actually the complete opposite of that. Vulnerability is a great strength. Having the courage to show up and being seen as who we really are, is actually one of the bravest things that as humans we can do. By being honest with ourselves and with others, we open the door of trust and connection and show to others our humanity.
Vulnerability is about the Truth – Being true to ourselves and to others.
Vulnerability is about Authenticity. It is what gives us freedom to be ourselves and be comfortable with who we are. It’s also what gives us access to connecting with other people in a meaningful and genuine way.
Being courageous enough to be authentic will guide us to connecting more deeply with our higher self and with others.
According to author Brené Brown in Daring Greatly: How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent and Lead, “Vulnerability is the core, the heart, the center, of meaningful human experiences.”
As for leadership, demonstrating an appropriated vulnerability, an openness and being authentic will create a drive in your team that will support the business in reaching and exceeding its goals.
Just think about it, how would you like your dream boss to be ?
Someone with whom you feel you have no connection or on the contrary someone with whom you share humanity ?