While there has been indeed a lot of literature around body language, it is still sadly insufficiently considered in the business environment.

Indeed, while so many leaders may spend hours on preparing the “What” of their speeches by paying meticulous attention to the words they choose; and the “Where” of them as they may even be anticipating where they will deliver them, yet they quite often neglect spending time thinking of the “How” of their message: what will their body be saying while they are giving their speech : their body posture, their tone of voice, their facial expression, their eyes, their use of space, their silence…
We tend to forget that the body is delivering as well the message.
Teams make meaning out of the way you are, and will interpret what your body is saying.
Some might even say that the power of the unspoken word is superior to the spoken one, as the first one connects with the soul and the real intentions.
Indeed, don’t we say that if someone is saying something without being able to look at us in the eye, it means that s/he might not be honest. Non-verbal cues matter.
Several studies have shown quite “unexpected” results. 93% of an audience responds much more to the body language and tone of voice of the orator than to the content of the speech.
Indeed two different leaders might be saying word for word the same speech, and yet depending on how they say it, the feedback and perception of the audience won’t be the same.
Building trust depends on your non-verbal alignment.
Focus on being authentic and on what it is that you really want your teams to remember. Do not forget your body !