Pre-Covid 19, working at the physical workplace was the norm with 99% expecting to be there on a daily basis, while today more than 50% expect to spend their time remotely.
Post-Covid 19, we are officially entering the hybrid working era.
Most organisations recognise the benefits of remote working, such as, reducing their carbon footprint and having more productive staff.
Yet, I am sure though that many of you have been required or have requested from your teams to come back to their physical office as much as possible.
What does that imply ?
➡️ Simply that your corporate culture and leadership skills have not adapted to this new reality.
During the pandemic, many organisations have focused their energy on the technology requirements for remote / hybrid work and have made it their number one priority .
While seamless connectivity is an imperative, we feel that the real challenge behind hybrid work is around (re) building a strong corporate culture and leadership.
Yes, hybrid working is testing live your agility capabilities !
As an example, for a long time, many leaders use to :
- Measure the corporate climate and the mindset of teams by walking around the offices
- Measure team engagement and commitment by observing their attitude through their body language and hours spent in
- Communicate with the people that were physically closer to them, as they tend to come to their mind first
and the list goes on…
Hybrid work challenges all these deeply rooted habits … Hybrid work requires Agility.
As of now, as a leader you need to build new skills to :
- Ensure that remote employees are treated the same way as those in the office
- Gauge your team mindset, engagement, commitment & productivity, by making corporate culture around values rather than office life
- Communicate fairly and evenly to everyone
- Foster collective intelligence independently from where your teams are located
Always remember that Leadership is not about you, but it all starts with you !
For hybrid to work, you need to observe yourself, challenge your past habits and grow.
It’s time to get comfortable getting uncomfortable !