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As 2021 is arriving to an end and that we are looking forward to this new year. In this video, I share with you a few thoughts about change and social impact.

Talking Respect

In this episode, Asra speaks openly of her transition from her secure role as a Managing Director to becoming an entrepreneur...


94% of millennials reported making personal improvement a commitment. In this video, I share with you the 5 steps that any development path requires and the 3 questions to answer !


It takes about 45 seconds for someone to decide if they will keep on listening to you and invest in you.


Mental health includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It affects how we think, feel, and act.


Our behaviours are consistent with how our identity is structured. We become what we think and what we feel.


Needing help at work is totally normal, but asking for assistance can be tricky to do without alienating or annoying anyone.


As a manager/leader, it can be tempting to share an answer to a problem that's perplexing your team. Instead of giving them answers, ask them these 3 questions.


Leadership is a responsibility to do more. Leadership is not about you, but it all starts with you !

How are leaders today leading with authenticity?

'Introducing Asra Abdulaziz joining us from United Kingdom to talk about leadership and Leadership ...
