Are you always focused on what you're not good at instead of what you excel in?
In this video, I explain what workaholism really is, what fuels it, and how to break free from the constant pressure of overworking.
Whatever others may do or whatever may happen around you, Never forget your own power! Join me on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment.
In this video, I explain what overthinking is, what fuels it and most importantly how to break free from it.
We can all start a project, a race, a transformation, but not all of the people that start...
Imagine yourself 3 years from now ! You have all that you wished for...
Decision making is hard sometimes. Following our intuition may in some...
94% of millennials reported making personal improvement a commitment. In this video, I share with you the 5 steps that any development path requires and the 3 questions to answer !