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Stop Fixing Start Thriving How to Focus on Your Strengths

Are you always focused on what you're not good at instead of what you excel in?

Breaking Free from Workaholism: Why Overworking Isn’t the Answer & How to Reclaim Balance

In this video, I explain what workaholism really is, what fuels it, and how to break free from the constant pressure of overworking.

Discovering the power within: You always DECIDE

Whatever others may do or whatever may happen around you, Never forget your own power! Join me on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment.

How to stop overthinking?

In this video, I explain what overthinking is, what fuels it and most importantly how to break free from it.

The Power of intent

Imagine yourself 3 years from now ! You have all that you wished for...

This is how you can change

Implementing successful change is one of the biggest problems...

4 Tips to help you achieve your goals

We can all start a project, a race, a transformation, but not all of the people that start...


Imagine yourself 3 years from now ! You have all that you wished for...


Decision making is hard sometimes. Following our intuition may in some...


94% of millennials reported making personal improvement a commitment. In this video, I share with you the 5 steps that any development path requires and the 3 questions to answer !
