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Researchers estimate that we think about 50,000 to 70,000 thoughts a day. To which voice are you giving power inside your head !


Quite often we forget how compassion is powerful. Thank to it, we grow, create our vision, catch our dreams, engage in our passion.


“Judge a man by his questions rather than by his answers.” ― Voltaire Questions are powerful, through this video we share with you why !

How do you Brainstorm?

As we keep evolving in an uncertain world, the need of permanent creativity and agility made brainstorming a technique that we cannot do without. As a reminder, brainstorming is a situation


The last months have been challenging and have requested that we keep demonstrating permanent resilience ...


Today, I wanted to talk to you about rethinking stress and trying to manage it. The first thing to bear in mind is that stress is a paradox...

The Mini-Me syndrome : How aware are you of this blind spot  ?

While for some of you Mini-Me might resonate with the name of the character played by Verne Troyer in the movie Austin Powers ...

What’s your IOS ?

Today, I wanted to talk to you about your IOS. Here I am not talking about your iPhone Operating System but ...

How do you cultivate trust ?

Trust is an urgent topic. Trust-building is a vital leadership competency. “Without trust you can’t have engaged relationships, without engaged...


Thank you ❤️. My wish for my birthday is that we rise together to bring more love, care, humanity and respect into this world ...
