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Stop Fixing Start Thriving How to Focus on Your Strengths

Are you always focused on what you're not good at instead of what you excel in?

Discovering the power within: You always DECIDE

Whatever others may do or whatever may happen around you, Never forget your own power! Join me on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment.

The Power of Self-Compassion: How self-compassion makes better leaders

In this video, learn why treating yourself with kindness and understanding is the key to effective leadership.

How to stop overthinking?

In this video, I explain what overthinking is, what fuels it and most importantly how to break free from it.

Unlocking Ultimate Happiness: Discover the 7 Essential Elements for a Joyful Life!

Happiness is a state we are all after. It is a profound and lasting sense...

The Power of intent

Imagine yourself 3 years from now ! You have all that you wished for...

Feeling Overwhelmed: Here are 5 tips to support you

Feeling overwhelmed can be a common experience, especially...

How to disrupt the pattern in your career in order to grow

There is a pattern in everyone's career. When things change...

Happy New Year

As we are looking forward to 2023, let's remind ourselves...

This is how you can change

Implementing successful change is one of the biggest problems...
