Performing at work is a standard expectation. Often the focus is on the employee....


🌟 Teams are the essence of organisations 🌟 Teams make magic happen 🌟 None of us is as smart as all of us


Being a good boss isn't easy ! In this video, I share with you 5 tips to help you becoming a better one !

Your next management appointment is fundamental

Your next management appointment is fundamental. Why ? Any managerial appointment is a financial investment towards the future Great Leadership ...


Needing help at work is totally normal, but asking for assistance can be tricky to do without alienating or annoying anyone.


As a manager/leader, it can be tempting to share an answer to a problem that's perplexing your team. Instead of giving them answers, ask them these 3 questions.


Leadership is a responsibility to do more. Leadership is not about you, but it all starts with you !

Hybrid working : it’s time to test your agility

Pre-Covid 19, working at the physical workplace was the norm with 99% expecting to be there on a daily basis, while today more than 50% expect to spend their time remotely.


If you don’t ask the right questions, you don’t get the right answers. A question asked in the right way often points to its own answer.


Dear Risers, Allyship is one of the buzz words that we hear a lot, but what does it actually mean, and what does it imply ?
