Hiring Excellence: 5 Essential Qualities to Look for in Your Next Team Member

In this video, I delve into the top five qualities to look for when hiring your next team member.

DEI : Why do diverse teams sometimes face hurdles? and what should we do instead

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion is one of the most talked about topics. Yet many will tell you that ...

Confirmation bias: The danger of seeing what we want to see.

We're all subject to confirmation bias. In this video, I explain what it is and why...

With DEI, where do we start ?

In this short video, I share with you why DEI starts with I(nclusion)....

This is why we all need a sponsor!

Quite often mentorship and sponsorship are confused....

Your next management appointment is fundamental

Your next management appointment is fundamental. Why ? Any managerial appointment is a financial investment towards the future Great Leadership ...

Hybrid working : it’s time to test your agility

Pre-Covid 19, working at the physical workplace was the norm with 99% expecting to be there on a daily basis, while today more than 50% expect to spend their time remotely.


Dear Risers, Allyship is one of the buzz words that we hear a lot, but what does it actually mean, and what does it imply ?

The Mini-Me syndrome : How aware are you of this blind spot  ?

While for some of you Mini-Me might resonate with the name of the character played by Verne Troyer in the movie Austin Powers ...

The power of the unconscious bias

Over the last decades, women have managed to achieve so much in the workplace and yet breaking the glass ceiling still seems to be a challenge...
